United Utilities Water Efficiency
Our challenge… United Utilities wanted to achieve a marked reduction in water use, year on year through behaviour change amongst its 7 million customers across the North West. We created a campaign identifier to stress the importance of water to life.
‘Every drop is precious’ elevates the importance of being efficient with water. The identifier then frames and endorses all of the water efficiency campaign work produced throughout the year.
The always on ‘Save water, save money’ campaign focuses on small changes which can make a big difference to household water consumption. Taking shorter showers and turning the tap off when brushing your teeth.
A leaking loo can waste up to 400 litres of water a day and most people don’t realise theirs is leaking. Our leaky loo campaign focused on engaging with your loo and looking and listening for tell tale signs that indicate it is leaking.
Seasonal campaigns are a way to communicate to customers about water efficiency throughout the drier months of summer and tips on how they can save water in their gardens and homes.
Sometimes, we need to communicate to specific areas; Manchester, a place that is synonymous with rain, actually gets its water from the Lake District. Due to increased usage and drier weather, reservoir levels were low and this had to be communicated.
The ‘Manchester, save on a rainy day’ campaign included a stand with interactive vox pops at the Arndale Centre, leaflets, OOH advertising, local press ads and targeted social media posts.
+347% Increase in unique website views
+15% Increase in leaky loo strips ordered
+255% Increase in social media mentions