Art is rubbish too

We are feeling so delighted at the amazing support we received at our art event Art is Rubbish too

We are feeling so delighted at the amazing support we received at our art event Art is Rubbish too – we were packed out with clients and friends of WPA who gathered to buy our works of art.

It was a mega undertaking, our blood, sweat, tears, ideas, joy and a lot of our spare time – but together we did it and are so proud that our creative talent will help to save lives Africa.

Our charity event was in aid of Inter Care a charity who resupplies surplus UK medical equipment to communities in Africa.

We had 24 limited edition beers brewed by Northern monk, each one was adorned with the artworks our team created.

To view the artworks in more detail you can view them here.

Our event programmes for the evening were created using paper kindly supplied from GF Smith – the paper itself is made from recycled coffee cups which tied in perfectly with the event.

Each member of the WPA team were tasked with creating a piece of art along with a self portrait with items that would have been deemed as rubbish.

The event itself was a huge success and we’re all immensely proud of the work we put in and the outcome it will have for the charity – Selling our art and merchandise will save lives – and we are proud to do our bit to help.

Just one of the art pieces sold equates to being able to provide Malaria treatment for 330 children in Africa, it’s not too late to help us save more lives. If you would like to bid on any of the remaining pieces please email