A ground up development of a digital social platform
We created the brand, website and app for Cura, a social platform designed to help people care for their loved ones.

We developed the platform from the ground up, and it is now available on the web, on iOS and Android.
Clear navigation and bold, colourful iconography ensure the platform is simple and easy to use.
513 Communities created in the first year of launch
1st Sparkies Award for “Best use of technology for doing good”
10,400 Tasks scheduled in the first 12 months
Cura was successfully accredited by the NHS and is now part of the NHS Choices Trusted Health Apps library.
From the outset we knew for Cura to work it would need to be simple and intuitive. It was great to work with the team from Digital Brands as they constantly fed in their thoughts and ideas, instead of just building what we asked for. Their input unquestionably has made Cura a better site.