Opening up social media for 25,000 employees
National Grid needed to make employees and leaders aware of their new social media policy, and encourage them to understand acceptable online behaviour.
We created two online social media campaigns – one targeted at employees, the other at leaders – to run in the UK and US.
For employees, a range of characters were developed to communicate the social media policy in a simple and engaging way.
The leaders’ equivalent, used at conferences and online, focused on the theme of ‘Open’, explaining how National Grid were ‘opening up’ to the potential benefits of social media within the business.
+560% Increase in employee engagement
Winner Digital Impact Award and Internal Communication Award
Zero As a result of the campaign, there were no HR or legal breaches when social media was opened up for employee access
This campaign is currently the all time top-rated story published on National Grid’s Infonet news.
We are all really pleased with the results and we know that our employees appreciate a fresher approach to the subject.